Mick Clayton, GQA Qualifications
Mick Clayton
Chief Executive Officer
GQA Qualifications

As CEO my role is all encompassing, from defining the overall strategy of the business to ensuring our qualifications are fit for purpose and delivered effectively. As with any awarding body, regulation and compliance are critical parts of the operation and I hold the position of ‘Responsible Officer’ for GQA. I am also involved with the regulatory authorities in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland as a key part of my role, along with opening up new avenues for the development of training and qualifications in emerging economies such as China, India and the Middle East. I have visited many new places and it is encouraging to see that they are interested in raising standards to the highest levels even at such early stages of their economic development. I work with a great team of people who are all fully committed to our key purpose, to help raise standards across a range of industries. Their passion and devotion to their jobs makes my job so much easier and I am lucky to be able to work with such a great team.
